Our Ingredients
All of our body care products are natural and handmade in small batches to insure quality and freshness. We use only vegetable oils such as coconut, palm and olive oils and do not use any animal fats. Our soaps and other products are cruelty free and not tested on animals. We test each new product on ourselves and perfect the final mix before we make any product available to the public.  
Adding ingredients to a batch of Desert Soaps
Live flowers of the Palo de Arco plant.Intentially BlankBark peeling naturally from the Torote tree.
  Desert Soaps, Baja Sol Lip Balm, and Damiana Lotion are made with flowers, bark, leaves, plant extracts or other nutrients that we harvest right here along the baja peninsula.
 Palo de Arco                   Copal    
We hand harvest eveything in small quantities and are sensitive to the plants that provide us with our ingredients, therefore only harvesting small amounts from each individual plant.  
Harvesting the naturally peeling bark of the Torote tree.
Michele Harvesting Damiana
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Using a wire to hand cut the soaps.
Blending flowers, herbs and bark for a batch of soap.
Hand cutting each individual soap
Hand wrapping the fresh bars of soap using recycled paper.

Blending flowers, herbs and bark for the soaps

All soap labels are made from 100% recycled paper. Each soap is wrapped by hand.

Died Palo de Arco flowers

We use essential oils and fragrance oils to scent our products, all of which are high quality. The colorings we use other than the native botanicals are spices, iron oxides, ultramarines, and a few other cosmetic colorants that have all been approved by the FDA.

Dried leaves of the Creosote Bush.
Dried Palo de Arco Flowers
Creosote Bush
Natural Ingredients
Flowers, bark, clay and other natural additives.
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Handmade Natural Soaps from Mexico's Baja Peninsula
Desert Soaps
The Desert Soaps logo of two cactii and the sun, a common site in  Mexico's Baja Peninsula
The Desert Soaps logo of two cactii and the sun, a common site in  Mexico's Baja Peninsula